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CONDITION: Lumbar Disc Herniation

A lumbar disc herniation is a condition where one of the discs in the lower back (lumbar spine) ruptures or bulges out of its normal position. This herniation can press on nearby nerves, leading to symptoms such as lower back pain, sciatica (pain that radiates down the leg), numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs and feet. It is commonly caused by age-related degeneration, traumatic injury, or heavy lifting and can vary in severity from mild discomfort to debilitating pain. In most cases it can be treated with conservative care. However, for more severe cases it can be treated with multiple types of Lumbar Spine surgical procedures. 

As one of the top providers of herniated disc surgery NJ has to offer, Dr. Joshua Rovnerand his team runs into this condition and treats it frequently. 

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For most people, a herniated disc begins with the same symptom: lower back pain. At the onset, the pain may last for a few days and then improve. However, eventually the discomfort will worsen and also cause leg pain, numbness and weakness. The most common symptoms of lumbar disc herniation include:

  • Back pain
  • Sciatica (leg, hip and back pain)
  • Leg and foot weakness, numbness or a tingling sensation
  • A loss of bladder or bowel control (very rare)

Herniated Disc MRI With Dr. Montero

Herniated Disc MRI With Dr. Montero


A herniated disc can occur due to a slip or fall as well as a car accident or a work place accident in many cases and is not just a degenerative condition. It does also develop due to the natural aging process. Additionally, there are certain lifestyle and congenital risk factors that increase an individual’s chances of suffering from a herniated disc. They include:


Lumbar disc herniation is more common among men, particularly those between 30 and 50 years of age.

Improper lifting

Lifting with your back, rather than your legs, can compromise your spine and is a common cause of a herniated disc.


People with physically demanding jobs have a greater risk of all back problems, including lumbar disc herniation.


Smoking decreases oxygen supply to the discs, which can accelerate the process of degeneration.

Sedentary lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle is a known risk factor for a herniated disc. It’s been shown that regular activity has a preventative effect and can keep your spine healthy.

Certain physical activities

Activities that require repetitive lifting, bending and twisting increase your risk of lumbar disc herniation and many other spinal conditions. Sitting for long periods of time, for example during a lengthy commute, also places harmful pressure on your spine.


Diagnosing lumbar disc herniation requires a thorough examination with a qualified spine surgeon. When you arrive at our New Jersey office, Dr. Rovner will begin by collecting a detailed history of your symptoms and performing a number of tests, including:

Physical Exam

During this portion of the appointment, Dr. Rovner will look for weakness or sensory loss that may be associated with your condition. He’ll assess your reflexes and how well you walk on your heels and toes, along with the strength of your thighs, ankles and toes.

SLR Test

The straight leg raise (SLR) test is often used to diagnose lumbar disc herniation. During this test, Dr. Rovner will have you lie on your back on the exam table while he lifts your leg. If you feel pain during the exam, it’s likely that you’re suffering from a herniated disc.

Imaging Tests

To confirm a suspected diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation, Dr. Rovner may order a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, a CT scan or x-rays. These tests will allow him to clearly visualize any problems with your spine and the surrounding soft tissues.

Herniated Disc Surgery

In many cases, herniated discs respond well to conservative measures, such as rest, anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy and steroid injections. However, it is possible for the condition to persist after trying non-invasive treatments. In some cases, the condition may worsen to the point where the patient is experiencing numbness, weakness, difficulty standing and walking, and a loss of bladder or bowel control. When this occurs, NJ spine surgeon Dr. Rovner will perform a minimally invasive lumbar discectomy to provide a long-term and often permanent resolution. During herniated disc surgery, Dr. Rovner will begin by creating a small incision in the lower back. Through that opening, he will move the muscle away from the bone, allowing access to the vertebrae surrounding the affected disc.

He will then remove a small portion of the vertebral bone to reach the disc itself. From there, he will remove all or a portion of the herniated disc that’s irritating the spinal nerve and causing your symptoms. If he needs to remove the entire disc, he will fuse the vertebrae together with metal hardware to stabilize your spine and complete the procedure. As Dr. Rovner is providing some of the bestherniated disc surgery NJ has to offer its patients. If you are suffering from this condition, look no further than Dr. Rovner for your spinal orthopaedic care.

Learn More About Herniated Disc Here

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A global leader in robotic spine surgery

Dr. Joshua Rovner

As one of the best spine surgeons in NJ, Dr. Joshua S. Rovner provides surgical treatment of pain related to the neck and entire back. Dr. Rovner is one of the few providers of spine surgery NJ has to offer that specializes in minimally-invasive spine surgery and robotic spinal surgery . These procedures are safer and more precise alternatives to traditional surgery and are shap ing the future of spinal and orthopaedic medicine. By helping individuals leverage more progressive means of minimally-invasive spine surgery, Dr. Rovner helps his patients undergo a smoother surgery with faster recovery times.

Read More About Dr. Rovner

Progressive Spine & Orthopaedics

If you are suffering from back or neck pain, it is crucial for you to receive a professional diagnosis as soon as possible. Dr. Rovner is one of the best spine surgeons in NJ who has the experience and expertise necessary to help patients actualize successful outcomes with orthopedic spine surgery.

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